Come with me by yourselves to quiet place... Mark 6:31

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bitten by the Bug

I am talking about Pinterest. Follow Me on Pinterest

Friends have mentioned it to me, but I always steered clear because I did not want to do Facebook. I know, I know, I am the only person on the planet reluctant about Facebook. Anyway, last weekend I desperately needed a mindless, thinkless, entertaining, fun, zone out on the computer, whittle your time away activity. I was almost brain dead from all the travel and emotional stress. So I signed up for Pinterest, created some virtual bulletin boards, and started 'pinning' away. I am just learning, but now have a teensy collection of such things as yummy things to cook and fabulous paper I would have in a store, if I had a paper store, which I have always wanted.

It's fun! I'm just learning, but I'd love to know any tips you may have, who you follow... and I'd like to follow you. Let me know if you do Pinterest. Whoever thought this up was a genius!


Katy Forester Brooks said...

I'm addicted too! But my addictions lead to many crafts and recipes! Im not on fb u aren't alone :). I just followed u on Pinterest so u should be able to follow me back. You have the app on your phone don't you?

Megan said...

I'm following you now!