Come with me by yourselves to quiet place... Mark 6:31

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For It Is Time... to prepare our minds

Hello ladies! Have you been reading through Hosea? At first glance it looks pretty depressing, right? Thank goodness for chapters 2, 11, and 14!

At retreat we will not have time to study the entire book of Hosea. Our theme verse is Hosea 10:12...
Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you.

We will camp out there and in Hosea 6: 1-3.

While we are preparing our eyes by looking over the words in Hosea, I would like for us to prepare our minds with a character sketch of the man, Hosea. Here are some facts about this incredible servant of God:
Hosea was named "the prophet of Israel's zero hour"
He was young when God called him
His ministry lasted 66 years
His ministry was during the most turbulent time of Israel's history prior to captivity
During his ministry the Northern Kingdom (Israel) was taken into exile by Assyria
Hosea was called to do some very hard things and say some very harsh words (we have seen proof of that as we have skimmed the book)
He was strong, committed, trustworthy, and patient
He suffered
He was obedient to God above all else
He had a rocky marriage
He portrayed God's love for Israel

There are several things about Hosea I simply cannot quit thinking about.

Firstly, his absolute obedience to God. God told him to marry Gomer and that Gomer would prove unfaithful. He did. She was. Two of her three children were not Hosea's. She left the home leaving her children with him and ran after other men, what the world had to offer, and a new god, Baal. At first it appears her life was going well, but after time she slipped further and further into poverty and desperation. But she did not come home.

Secondly, his absolute obedience to God when it must have been humiliating beyond measure. God told Hosea to go into the most desolate part of town where Gomer lived with her lover, meet the man, and offer the man provisions for his wife, without her knowing it. Hosea did it. The man took all that Hosea offered and they used them to worship Baal.

I want to ask you something... Do you know a man like Hosea? Was Hosea injured? Yes! Was he angry? Yes! Did he want to retaliate? Yes! But does he? No! He remains faithful to God, faithful to Gomer, and seeks to reconcile. I may know a few men like Hosea, but sadly, it is only a few. (Sidebar: Lord, please help us to raise our boys to be this faithful to YOU!)

Thirdly, God could trust Hosea with just about anything. So He trusted him to portray His Son.
More time passed. Hosea is still raising all three children and Gomer has sunk lower and lower into the pit of sin. She has become a slave. In those days one could become a slave by birth, by conquest, or by debt, and it appears debt was the culprit. Gomer was going up for auction and God told Hosea to go into the marketplace and buy her back. So he does. Slaves were sold naked and Hosea placed the highest bid, bought her, took off his robe, clothed her, took her home, and commanded her to never again live the life of prostitution. I assume she was so broken she complied. Surely later she found the deepest gratitude and love.

This takes us straight to the cross. Jesus walks into the marketplace of our lives and we are on the auction block of sin. Naked. The world is bidding like crazy for us. Jesus makes a bid and the auctioneer says, "Sold to Jesus Christ, the Holy One of God, for the price of His blood!" There is no greater bid. He then clothes us with His righteousness, takes us home, and commands, "Sin no more."

Do we see ourselves as Gomer? Are we offended or grateful?

That's chapter 1-3, and we will pick up from there at retreat. It's alot to ponder isn't it? It puts the meaning into 'unfailing love'. See you precious friends next week!

(commentary from Hosea by Dr James Montgomery Boice)

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