Come with me by yourselves to quiet place... Mark 6:31

Friday, May 7, 2010

Holding Down the Fort

I can't quit thinking about Joshua as a young man in training under Moses, and how Moses would meet with God at the Tent of Meeting. Then Moses would go back to the camp, but Joshua would stay at the Tent. Partly to hold down the fort... remember that lesson? I know there are quite a few of you out there holding down the home fort, prayer fort, work fort, financial fort - and you just may feel as if life is passing you by. Believe me, I've been there. But life is not passing you by - God is training you, and powerful training it is!

But I digress... Joshua mostly was staying by the Tent because God was there. He simply learned as a youth that being near God was his comfort zone. And it keeps cropping up over and over in his life, through all the battles fought and won, through all the land gained, Joshua keeps returning to Gilgal. Home base. The place where the Tent of Meeting was. The place where the Ark of the Covenant was. Home base. The place where God was.

I want to know what you can't quit thinking about...


Shay Brannon said...

Can't quit thinking about my timeline and the inheritance I'm leaving my children!

Shay Brannon said...
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